No Need To Abuse, Just We Should Choose

No Need To Abuse, Just We Should Choose

By: Md Abul Barkat Qasmi

Date: Friday 23/oct/2020


For a few days I have been coming across various posts and several comments about Bihar elections specially about 'Amour Vidhan Sabha'. Someone admires Abdul Jaleel Mastan While some abuses him, some posts say that Saba Zafar is the best, while he is vilified by the others, in the same way, Akhtarul Iman is treated well or reviled by this very platform. I think, no one is bad, everyone is good; but we will have to choose the best of them comparatively. We mustn't vote for dear and near, we should vote for a person, by whom the area is taken care.First and foremost I'd like to come up with some facts then I'll emerge to be describing that.


v  is clear as daylight, that there is no party which is entirely responsible for its task given by the law, whether it is 'Indian National Congress' or 'AIMIM'. On the contrary, all is trying to earn its keep and endeavouring for the satisfaction of their wants only.

v  It There is no requirement to fight an election except something as Age and Citizenship etc. Which is necessary is left behind either deliberately or incautiously. Anyone can fight the election, whether he is ignorant, oppressor, cruel or criminal. It is noxious for a village and obliquely for a country; because "Principles carry consequences". This is very thing that resulted in a large shape of riots, violence, brutality and persecution in this Gold-Bird-Like country. What a pity!


A leader of the people must be educated, able to govern an area according to the post and designation, have a character without a flaw, raise self esteem, be unbiased, have effective Communications and plan with long term goals in mind as well. If not, at least he ought to be well mannered, have good character and purified from the violence activities, so that he can lay the foundation of justice and cause a society to be refined and well defined.


v  In the other words, as PM and CM are responsible for their area and circle, in the same way MP, MLA, Mukhya, Ward member and Panchayat Samiti etc are caretaker for their area and circle, it is known to all that the caretaker must be intelligent, honest and not spreading violence and corruption, so that he can maintain well his subordinative. But On the contrary (I am sorry to say) it is mostly seen that the worst one of the family members emerge to be candidate and fight an election. Consider, how can a society be prosperous, developed and purified when its herdsmen and supervisors are insurgent and corrupted.


Paying the attention towards the first point, that all parties are formed only for eating their fill and satisfying their wants, we shouldn't be lyrical about any party. With due respect my body I would like to say: We must stick to a person who is covered by the above-mentioned attributes and he sympathises with people. It will bring us to a large of benefits: as, each and every party will think about that and endeavour not to give ticket to a person who is not worthy of that, rather it will creep into their mind to give ticket to only one who is dressed by sincerity and capability for being a leader efficiently and effectively. They will be forced to do so. And we can do that, although it will take a long time but remember, the success depends on hard work and you can win the world with the revolution and revolution takes a couple of times, then you reaches your destination. If not, your next generation will get the benefits of this revolution and you will always remain alive in their hearts. As the removing a harmful thing from the road is the part of Imaan, in the same way, the removing obstacles and harmful things from way of life is the art of Imaan. Being Ummah of Holy Prophet Muhammad -pbuh- we should do good to others, show kindness to people and do justice among them. Sooner or later mankind will have to make a decision to raise the flag of this revolution. Otherwise the humanity will be buried alive and there won't be a distinction between people and animals.


One can say that, this is impossible, it will remain in mind only, it can't be applied on people in this situation, then I shall say: To do something with the iron determination changes the situation to pave the way of generation to come, as well as make the way of life smooth and rich. There is no impossible, even the world of Impossible says: I'm Possible.


At the last, it is remarkable that one can't get vote by abusing, scoffing at people and looking them down, rather it alienates people from you and they will be disconcerted by this behaviour. This kind of behaviour doesn't befit us. It is not hidden from intellectuals that someone has sentimental value with a leader, if you abuse him or pick on his leader, definitely he will leave you in disgust and begin to vilify your leader, and you will grieve over it, so how can you get other grieve. As you sow so you shall reap. In past age, it is said, tree is recognised by its fruits, but today it can be said that, a person is recognised by his post and comments on social media, look before you post something, surely it won't cost you anything, but if you post blindly, one day you will realise that you have lost dignity from the heart of the people. We should consider either our enthusiasm makes our leader win or lose. We should be polite in this field.___________ I don't mean to spite anyone with this writing, but just I came up with a bold imagination and lit a candle of right path, so that using this method, aspiring people can give a concrete shape to their dreams. If you have right instructions, unquestionably you will get good constructions. May Allah give us Taufeeq to follow the teachings of Islam.




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